The National Children's Literacy Website is a unique national children's literacy initiative and is part of the Soho Center's National Children's Literacy Information Project - a not-for-profit initiative
dedicated to advancing the literacy skills of young children, promoting literacy as an integral factor
in the growth of society, and enhancing literacy in a variety of home and child care settings
Macmillan is proud to help support the National Children's
Literacy Website
.  Books and reading are our life and our passion.  Helping children become better readers and promoting a life-long love of books is a big piece of what we're about. 

As a company with a rich history in the publishing world, promoting literacy just makes sense.  It's obviously good for us and for all publishers - but, more than that, it's critical for us all as a nation as we grow and educate tomorrow's workers, thinkers, and leaders.

Parents and caregivers are a child's first teachers.  They are in the best position to do a variety of simple but important things that set the stage for literacy once a child goes to school and throughout their lives.  The NCL Website is filled with facts, activities, and ideas that are easy to implement to help children become great readers.  And, make no mistake, enjoying books and being able to read well is the road to school readiness and school success.  Macmillan invites and encourages you to use the NCL Website to get ideas - and make them part of your literacy efforts every day. 
Like we said at the beginning, books and publishing are our life and our passion.  Please join us and all of the Macmillan family in helping every new generation love reading as much as we do.


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