T h e
B u s i n e s s o f F a m i l y C h i l d C
a r e
_________________________________________ This program has been extensively
field tested and is being used by licensing agencies, USDA Food Program Sponsors,
Cooperative Extension Agents, Child Care Associations, R&Rs, military child care organizations, other
child care-related groups, and thousands of individual child care providers
across the nation. Copies
of the DVD are $25.00 for
a single copy or $22.00 per copy
for multiple copies - shipping included You
can purchase one or more copies of this great
DVD using PayPal.
Even if you don't have a PayPal account, PayPal let's you charge your credit card. Just select the number of copies you want and click on the Buy Now button to complete your purchase. We'll ship your DVD promptly - and your price includes shipping! NOTE:
Special Group
Rates are
also available. If you want to
make a group order, call us at 540-923-5012 or e-mail us at DVD@child2000.org